
What is Scrum?

Priagung Satria
4 min readApr 4, 2021

Scrum is a framework that help us as developers through solving solution for complex, it provides transparency on the work that are performed, inspection by frequently checking your scrum team work, and adaptation by adjusting the work that is currently on-going by applying the newly gained knowledge to minimize deviation to the final goal of the product.

Roles and its task

  • Scrum Master:
    Helps everyone understand Scrum theory and practice,
    Ensuring all the events that take place on the sprint is kept within the time limit.
    Helping the Product owner on achieving better or effective Product Goal, and Product Backlog management.
  • Product Owner:
    Creating Product Backlog Items clearly, so it is understandable for the Scrum team.
    Communicating with the scrum team on the priority, ordering of the backlog items.
    Ensuring the scrum team are understanding of the product backlog and its acceptance criteria.
  • Developers:
    The developer team is the one that works on the task on each backlog every sprint.
    Responsible for the Product Backlog Item tasks that have been broken down on each sprint.
  • Scrum Team
    A whole team consisting of one Scrum Master, Product Owner, and a small team of Developers.

How do you do a Scrum?

There are Scrum Events that happen every Sprint.
A Sprint is a specified time limit that is held for the Scrum team to produce a product and work on the task.
In each Sprint there are couple of events that happening And these are the gist of it:
  • Sprint Planning
    This is where the Sprint initiated, The product owner or the scrum master can initiate to give advise or priorities to the product backlog list provided that are more important on the project,
    What can be done on this sprint
    How the task that have been broken down get done
  • Daily Scrum
    This daily scrum has a main goal to check on the work that the team has done held by the Scrum Master and create an environment to inspect the work they have done personally, the problem that they had tackling the task, and also the task that they want to take next.
    Daily Scrum is usually held at the time of the team where they are working on the task, this event improves communication of the team and daily scrum can also make adjustments to the ongoing sprint.
  • Sprint Review
    Sprint reviews are held on every sprint at the end to mainly inspect the work that have been done and present the results that have been achieved during a sprint to the product owner.
    During this time the team and product owner reviews what has been accomplished and based on this and tries to plan the next backlog that you want to take.
  • Sprint Retrospective
    The main goal of sprint retrospective is to increase the effectiveness of the sprint ahead, and increasing quality of your team’s work.
    This is achieved by inspecting the last sprint work together with the team, discussing what they have done right, wrong, what they need to start on doing to increasing the quality of work or even what things they should stop doing.

Scrum Artifacts

Theses are the recorded data that a Scrum team has done regarding the project, it will have the project details for the product backlog, sprint backlog.
  • Product Backlog
    A complete ordered list of the features of a product will consist of acceptance criteria or product requirement, The product owner maintains these and is available to the whole team, transparently.
  • Product Owner
    Reviewing product backlog and creating adjustment so the product won’t deviate to the main goal.
  • Sprint Backlog
    Data of the backlog that is taken during each sprint, can be a list that prioritizecertain feature or highlighting the product, The developer team can take the task on the backlog based on their skills and priorities.

These are my experiences regarding Scrum,
and as a developer I’m still learning about scrum as it is the
framework of my project.
I’m hoping to learn more about this so i can share more,
Thank you for your time reading this article
I hope it can helps

